The FREE IN project (Fundamental Rights in Europe: Enhancing Cultural Sensitivity for Inclusiveness) aims to foster greater cultural sensitivity on inclusion, with the goal of driving meaningful change in the protection of human rights, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive European society.
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The project
The “FREE IN” project (Fundamental Rights in Europe: Enhancing Cultural Sensitivity for Inclusiveness), developed by a team of researchers from the University of Turin in collaboration with the University Institute for European Studies (IUSE), seeks to promote the awareness of students and citizens towards the topic of social inclusion as a key principle of human dignity protection in the European Union. Although inclusion represents one of the foundations on which the entire European structure is based, prevailing policies and studies often focus on institutional issues, neglecting the specific challenges faced by minorities and socially marginalized groups.
FREE IN aims to raise awareness among citizens and students on these topics through an innovative and multidisciplinary approach. The project involves the carrying out of courses, seminars, workshops, and conferences focused on fundamental rights in Europe, highlighting how, despite the existence of an advanced legal framework for human rights protection, some categories continue to not fully benefit from these protections. This underlines the need for constant improvement of the protection system.
Through innovative educational methodologies and close collaboration between academia, institutions and civil society, FREE IN aims to spread a deeper awareness on human rights and inclusion, thus contributing to the construction of a more inclusive and fair European society.
Free In News
Fundamental Rights in Europe
The second course on Fundamental Rights in Europe will start on 7th October 2024. The course will address the comparative analysis of the protection of fundamental rights at the European level. Within the framework of the FREE IN project, this year special attention...
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