The Library

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The Library focuses on areas of EU law and international commerce. A vast number of academic papers, periodicals and international documents are available through the library. The electronic catalogue is accessible at:

By consulting the site, users are able to access research volumes and publications in the library, which can also be accessed on the Piedmont region Metaopac bibliographic site.


The Institute’s Library, along with others, forms part of the BESS (Piedmont Commerce and Social Sciences Electronic Library) collective.

The Library also receives documentation from the following international organisations:

European Union (see European Documentation Centre)

O.E.C.D.(Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)

Since 1950, the Institute has received numerous publications relative to economic issues such as the “Economic studies” and “The OECD Observer” series. Since 1980, the Institute has received full runs of publications in hard copy. Since 2003, the OECD database has provided online access to full text official publications.

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) – WTO. (World Trade Organisation)

The Institute has followed and collected the following series of publications from the GATT-WTO since 1952: juridical instruments, international trade reports, GATT-WTO operational reports, international trade studies, other studies and reports from GATT/WTO.


The Institute possesses most of the publications produced by the Council of Europe since 1948. These publications consist of collections, books and pamphlets dealing primarily with human rights, regional and local powers, and education.

ECMT – CEMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport)