Observatory on the European National and Transnational Justice

Home 9 Observatory on the European National and Transnational Justice


Prof. Sergio Vinciguerra, former chief professor of criminal law and dean of the Law Faculty of the Turin University, founder and editor of the Review “Criminal Law XXI century” (European, historical, comparative) that has now reached the eighteenth year.
Biographical and bibliographical information on the site www.sergiovinciguerra.it.

Other collaborators and partners

To carry out this mission requires the collaboration and dialogue of correspondents experts of the criminal justice in foreign countries. Indicatively:

  • among the European correspondents: Margareth Helfer (Austria), Jacques-Henri Robert (France), Thomas Vormbaum (Germany), Finnbar McAuley (Ireland), John Vervaele (Netherlands), Gonzalo Quintero Olivares (Spain), Paolo Bernasconi (Switzerland ).
  • among Latin American correspondents: Daniel Pastor (Argentina), Fabio R. D’Avila (Brazil), José Luis Guzman D’Albora (Chile)
  • among the Asian correspondents: Mansour Alotaibi (Kuwait), Shenkuo Wu and Ivan Cardillo (China).


To study the problems of «criminal justice» and the response they receive in the States of the terrestrial world starting from Europe and spreading their knowledge among experts and public opinion to increase the spirit of participation in social life.
«Criminal justice» understood as the administration by the States of punitive service, a service that has a fundamental and undisputed importance and in which knowledges converge belonging not only to legal science, but that legal science must know how to use for the best construction of criminal justice.


With these and other correspondents it is possible to intensify the dialogue already underway in the Review Criminal Law XXI century and promote studies, organize events (conferences, debates also recorded and placed on computer sites) as interdisciplinary as possible and always involving also the operators of the law (judges and lawyers) and giving notice via social media before and after the performance.