The Institute participates in partnerships for the presentation of projects financed by the EU through variously themed programmes
LIBEAC – Liberalism In Between Europe And China
The research project – presented by a partnership of some Italian and foreign Universities – by reflecting on the issues of EU-China relationships, aims at developing a new understanding of liberalism in its economic, political and social dimensions.
It involves a comparative analysis of the cultural differences in its interpretation and of the political discrepancies in its enforcement, in particular with respect to economic, social and environmental rights in China and Europe in Modern times. It is a multidisciplinary project based on a comparative study of European and Chinese political philosophy and political economy, legal practice and philosophy of right. The project was launched on 1st of January 2013 and will last for 4 years.
[ Dissemination Activities and Publications ] – [ News ]POREEN – Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental industries
The research project aims at integrating and combining economic, legal and engineering competencies to analyze the level of economic cooperation reached so far between China and Europe in the renewable energy and the environment industries and to identify specific areas to boost partnership opportunities. The project was launched on 1st of January 2013 and will last for 4 years.
[ Dissemination Activities and Publications ]Focus on Collective Redress
IUSE has also given its support to the Law Department of the Turin University in presenting a project under the European Call “Civil Justice” (2007-2013) – JUST/2011 – 2012/JCIV/AG, published by the European Commission – Directorate General Justice, titled “Focus on Collective Redress”. The project has been approved by the European Union, so that IUSE actively takes part in the activities planned by the partners to the project.
Alcotra 2007-2013
Recently the Institute decided to participate in the European programme for cross boarder cooperation ALCOTRA 2007-2013. The project presented by the Institute is in collaboration with local and French Universities and companies on facilitating cross boarder participation in public procurement by Italian and French SMEs. Particular reference will be made to below threshold and innovative contracts.
Effective Alternative Dispute Resolution in Administrative Law: Advancing Good Governance in the Administrative Justice System
In 2011 the Institute participated in the presentation of the project “Effective Alternative Dispute Resolution in Administrative Law: Advancing Good Governance in the Administrative Justice System”. The project was carried out in response to a European tender under the Seventh Programme Framework for Research and Development: Call FP7-SSH-2011-2.
Fundamental rights and Citizenship 2007-2013
In 2010, at the invitation of the Torino Olympic Park, the Institute took part in a call for proposals on the topic – Specific programme on Fundamental rights and Citizenship – 2007-2013 – Grants for Specific Transnational projects – JLS/2009-2010/ FRAC/ AG.
The project was presented together with other partners and included a case study analysis of racism/ stereotypes in the sporting world (with a focus on the relevant legislation) and the proposed creation of a professional figure a “sports mediator”.
Criminal Justice 2007-2013
The Institute has participated in a tender for the European programme “Criminal Justice 2007-2013” – JLS/2010/JPEN/AG/EJ. The National Research Council and the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques (ITTIG) presented the project.
Negotiation Patterns and Processes in Addressing Key Challenges in Diverse Federal Contexts in India and Europe for the 21st Century
In 2010, the Institute participated in a partnership to present the project IND-EUR 21, titled: “Negotiation Patterns and Processes in Addressing Key Challenges in Diverse Federal Contexts in India and Europe for the 21st Century”, under the Seventh Programme Framework for Research and Development: Call FP7-SSH-2010-3.
Other Projects
The Institute has participated in other tenders and projects, for example:
- By invitation from TOP – Torino Olympic Park: European call for tender N. EAC/19/2009 “Study on Equal Treatment of Non-nationals in Individual SportsCompetitions”, organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Directorate for youth, sport and citizenship, unity for sport. The project is concentrated on the analysis of national sporting rules and verification of application of provisions included and not included in the regulations. Particular attention is given to cases of discrimination, either formally reported or otherwise. The scope of the project is limited to the 27 EU countries.
- A request for EU funding for the creation of a specific project, as part of a tender — EACEA/26/08 – “Structuralsupport for European public policy research organisationsand for civil society organisations at European level.” The purpose of the project was to initiate a legal study in the European context at a university and post graduation level of the title “Building up a European Lawyer – Comparison among different EU academic educational systems and progress towards harmonisation”.