In 2012, IUSE has participated in two projects under the Seventh Framework Programme. The projects have been approved by the EU: FP7- PEOPLE – 2012 – IRSES – Marie Curie Actions – International Research Staff Exchange Scheme.
The first project is presented by a partnership between various universities from within Italy and the rest of the world. The project is titled LIBEAC – Liberalism in Between Europe and China. The project aims to reflect on issues associated with EU-China relations, to develop a new concept of liberalism from economic, political and social perspectives. It is a multidiscipline project based in a comparative study of political philosophy and political economy, legal practice and legal philosophy in the EU and China. The project will be officially launched on the 1st of January 2013.
The title of the second project is POREEN – Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental industries. This research project aims to integrate and combine expertise in economics, law and engineering to analyse the degree of economic cooperation reached thus far between China and the European Union in the sectors of renewable energy and the environment. It also aims to identify specific areas that could increase the opportunities for partnership
In response to a notice published by the European Commission Directorate General Justice, the IUSE has been linked to two projects under the European programme “CIVIL JUSTICE” (2007-2013) – JUST/2011-2012/JCIV/AG”. The title of the first project is “Focus on Collective Redress”; the title of the second project is: European Network for Clinical Legal Education, Research and Communication on Social Rights and Citizenship
Finally, as part of the specific Programme “Fundamental Rights and Citizenship” (2007-2013) notice JUST/2011-2012/FRC/AG – Specific Transnational Projects, IUSE has joined the projected entitled: SCREEN – Stay and Care: your Rights in Europe Enhancement Presented by the Department of Legal Studies at the University of Turin.