Privacy and Cookie policy

Cookie policy

Uso dei cookies

Il Sito web utilizza i Cookie per il buon funzionamento del medesimo e per rendere confortevole la navigazione dell’Utente tra le pagine del Sito. Gli Utenti che visitano il Sito, vedranno raccolte le informazioni minime all’interno dei dispositivi utilizzati, siano essi computer o device mobili, in piccoli file di testo denominati “cookie” memorizzati nelle directory utilizzate dal web browser dell’Utente.

I cookie sono distinguibili in diverse tipologie, a seconda delle loro funzionalità, come ad esempio: salvare le preferenze inserite, evitare di reinserire le stesse informazioni più volte durante la visita (nome utente e password), analizzare l’utilizzo dei servizi e dei contenuti forniti dal Sito per ottimizzarne l’esperienza di navigazione e i servizi offerti.

Il Sito utilizza strumenti di tracciamento gestiti direttamente dal Titolare (c.d. “di prima parte”) e strumenti di tracciamento che abilitano servizi forniti da terzi (c.d. “di terza parte”). Se non diversamente specificato all’interno di questa policy, tali terzi hanno accesso ai rispettivi strumenti di tracciamento.

La durata e la scadenza dei cookie e di altri strumenti di tracciamento possono variare in base alle impostazioni dal Titolare o di ciascun fornitore terzo. Alcuni di essi scadono al termine della sessione di navigazione dell’Utente.


Tipologie di cookies

Cookie tecnici: permettono di svolgere attività strettamente necessarie a garantire il funzionamento del Sito o la fornitura del Servizio Si differenziano in base alla durata della loro attività tra “persistenti”, che rimangono salvati anche dopo la chiusura della sessione fino ad una data preimpostata, e “di sessione”, che vengono distrutti ogni volta che il browser viene chiuso.

Questi cookie sono necessari a visualizzare correttamente il Sito e in relazione ai servizi tecnici offerti, verranno quindi sempre utilizzati e inviati, a meno che l’Utente non modifichi le impostazioni nel proprio browser, inficiando così la visualizzazione delle pagine del Sito.

Proprio in virtù della loro natura non è richiesto il consenso dell’Utente per poterli raccogliere e memorizzare.

Cookie analitici: vengono utilizzati per raccogliere informazioni sull’uso del Sito. Il Titolare userà queste informazioni in funzione di analisi statistiche anonime al fine di migliorare l’utilizzo del Sito e per misurare e migliorare l’efficacia dei suoi contenuti rispetto all’esperienza dell’Utente. Questa tipologia di cookie raccoglie dati in forma anonima sull’attività dell’Utente e su come è arrivata sul Sito. I cookie analitici sono inviati dal Sito stesso o da domini di terze parti. I cookie analitici, se utilizzati dal Titolare con strumenti propri, non richiedono il consenso dell’Utente perché equiparati ai cookie tecnici.

Cookie di analisi di servizi di terze parti : sono utilizzati al fine di raccogliere informazioni sull’uso del Sito da parte degli Utenti in forma anonima, come ad esempio pagine visitate, tempo di permanenza, origini del traffico di provenienza, provenienza geografica, età, genere e interessi, ai fini di campagne di marketing. Questi cookie sono inviati da domini di terze parti esterni al Sito.

Per tali cookie è richiesto il consenso dell’Utente.

Cookie per integrare prodotti e funzioni di software di terze parti: integrano funzionalità sviluppate da terze parti all’interno delle pagine del Sito come ad esempio le icone e le preferenze espresse nei social network al fine di condivisione dei contenuti del Sito o per l’uso di servizi software di terze parti (software per la generazione di mappe o altri servizi aggiuntivi). Questi cookie sono inviati da domini di terze parti e da siti partner che offrono le loro funzionalità tra le pagine del Sito.

Per tali cookie è richiesto il consenso dell’Utente.

Cookie di profilazione: sono quei cookie necessari a creare profili utenti al fine di inviare messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze manifestate dall’utente all’interno delle pagine del Sito.

Per tali cookie è richiesto il consenso dell’Utente.


Siti Web e servizi di terze parti

Il Sito potrebbe contenere collegamenti ad altri siti Web che dispongono di una propria informativa sulla privacy che può essere diversa da quella adottata dal Titolare, il quale non ha responsabilità né risponde in nessun caso di questi siti.


Come prestare e revocare il consenso ai cookie


L’Utente al primo accesso al Sito trova un banner che descrive brevemente la policy sui cookie e indica in maniera sintetica e raggruppata quali tipologie di cookie sono utilizzati dal Sito. In questa fase l’Utente può prestare liberamente il consenso e selezionare quali cookie vuole che siano installati. Nel banner è presente un bottone di chiusura e rifiuto dei cookie, selezionando il quale l’Utente rifiuta in blocco tutti i cookie per cui è richiesto il suo consenso (quindi esclusi i cookie tecnici e analitici).

Nella parte inferiore del Sito (c.d. footer) e è presente una sezione dedicata alla gestione delle preferenze sui cookie. Accedendo a tale sezione l’Utente potrà in ogni momento revocare il consenso precedentemente prestato oppure prestare il consenso a cookie rifiutati in precedenza.


Elenco cookie e altri strumenti di tracciamento

Se si lascia un commento sul nostro sito, l’utente può scegliere di salvare il nome, indirizzo email e sito web nei cookie. Sono usati per la comodità dell’utente in modo che non debba inserire nuovamente i dati quando lascia un altro commento. Questi cookie dureranno per un anno.

Se l’utente ha un account e accede a questo sito, verrà impostato un cookie temporaneo per determinare se il browser accetta i cookie. Questo cookie non contiene dati personali e viene eliminato quando si chiude il browser.

Quando l’utente effettua l’accesso, verranno impostati diversi cookie per salvare le informazioni di accesso e le opzioni di visualizzazione dello schermo. I cookie di accesso durano due giorni mentre i cookie per le opzioni dello schermo durano un anno. Se l’utente seleziona “Ricordami”, l’accesso persisterà per due settimane. Se l’utente esce dall’account, i cookie di accesso verranno rimossi.

Se l’utente modifica o pubblica un articolo, un cookie aggiuntivo verrà salvato nel browser. Questo cookie non include dati personali, ma indica semplicemente l’ID dell’articolo appena modificato. Scade dopo 1 giorno.

Gli articoli su questo sito possono includere contenuti incorporati (ad esempio video, immagini, articoli, ecc.). I contenuti incorporati da altri siti web si comportano esattamente allo stesso modo come se l’utente avesse visitato l’altro sito web.

Questi siti web possono raccogliere dati dell’utente, usare cookie, integrare ulteriori tracciamenti di terze parti e monitorare l’interazione con quel contenuto incorporato, incluso il tracciamento dell’interazione dell’utente con il contenuto incorporato se l’utente ha un account e ha effettuato l’accesso a quel sito web.



Come gestire le preferenze e disabilitare i cookie o altri strumenti di tracciamento

L’Utente può gestire le impostazioni di preferenza dei cookie e degli altri strumenti di tracciamento tramite l’interfaccia di impostazione dei dispositivi utilizzati, sia computer sia mobili (ad esempio può impedire l’uso di cookie).

Attraverso apposite funzioni del browser o del dispositivo l’Utente può rimuovere cookie e altri strumenti di tracciamento precedentemente salvati. Alcuni di questi strumenti di tracciamento salvati nella memoria locale possono essere rimossi cancellando la cronologia di navigazione.

Per i cookie di terze parti, l’Utente può gestire le preferenze e revocare il consenso attraverso la sezione di gestione delle preferenze (presente nel footer), oppure utilizzando gli strumenti descritti nella privacy policy della terza parte o contattandola direttamente.

L’Utente può anche gestire le impostazioni del web browser relative alla memorizzazione di cookie e altri strumenti di tracciamento. Di seguito i link alle pagine dedicate dei principali provider:

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge


Safari iPhone, iPad, iPod touch,i%20dati%20dei%20siti%20web.

Per quanto riguarda dispositivi mobili, e in particolare le applicazioni su essi installati, l’Utente può gestire i cookie tramite le impostazioni presenti sui medesimi dispositivi, come ad esempio le impostazioni di pubblicità o le impostazioni relative al tracciamento in generale.


Versione EN


Personal data (or data)

The information that identifies or makes identifiable, directly or indirectly, an individual and that can provide information on his characteristics, his habits, his lifestyle, his personal relationships, his state of health, his economic situation, etc.

Browsing data

Personal data whose transmission is inherent to the use of Internet communication protocols and which are used for the functioning of the Website (e.g. IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the website, URI-Uniform addresses Resource Identifier – of the requested resources, time of the request, method used in submitting the request to the server, size of the file obtained in response, numerical code about the status of the response made by the server – good order, error, etc. – and other related parameters to the user’s operating system and IT environment).

Data provided voluntarily by the user

Data not requested by the Data Controller and optional that are provided on a voluntary basis by the User, for example by filling out contact forms or by sending communications to the Data Controller via the contacts on the Website.

Special categories of personal data

Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, political opinions, trade union membership, health or sex life, genetic data, biometric data, and sexual orientation data.

Processing of personal data

Any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.


The individual who uses the Website and, unless otherwise specified, matches with the Data Subject.

Data Subject

The individual to whom the personal data refer.

Data Controller

The individual or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

Data Processor

The individual, legal person, public administration or body that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller.


The IT tool or tools through which personal data are collected and processed.

Service or Services

The service or services offered and provided on the Website, as described in the relevant dedicated pages and in the Terms and Conditions (if any).

Tracing tools

Any tool that allows you to track, store and archive User data and behaviour. It can be distinguished between the so-called “active identifiers”, such as cookies, and “passive” such as finger printing.


Text strings that the websites (so-called Publisher, or “first parties”) visited by the user or different sites or web servers (so-called “third parties”) place and store – directly, in the case of publishers and indirectly, that is through the latter, in the case of “third parties” – within a terminal device available to the user.

Regulatory and legal references

European Regulation 2016/679

Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data

Privacy Code

Legislative Decree n. 196 of 2003 – “Code regarding the protection of personal data”

Legislative Decree n. 101 of 2018

Provisions for the adaptation of national legislation to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

Directive 2002/58 / EC

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications)

Provisions and Guidelines for the Privacy Guarantor

The Measures and Guidelines issued by the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data ( and particularly the Guidelines for cookies and other tracing tools – 10 June 2021 (Published in the Official Gazette No. 163 of 9 July 2021)

EDPB Guidelines

The opinions and guidelines issued by the European Data Protection Board (

Privacy Policy


Pursuant to regulation in force and to art. 13 and 14 of Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter the “Regulation”), we inform you that the Controller of the personal data provided by you is Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei, Lungo Dora Siena 100/A, 10153 – Torino (TO), c.f. 80084690017, VAT n. 02975140019,,

Data are processed complying with Regulation. Data processing is based on principles of lawfullness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity and confidentiality.


Browsing data

The information systems and programs used to operate our website collect some data whose transmission is automatic when using Internet communication protocols (e.g. IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users to connect with the website, URI –Uniform Resource Identifier- addresses of the requested resources, time of the request, methods used to submit the request to server, size of the response file, response status code –success, error, etc.- and other parameters relating to the operating system and information environment of the user). Although such data are not intended for being associated to individual data subjects, it is possible that, by their nature and through processing and association with further data held by third parties, such data may permit to identify users.

Such data shall only be used for statistical purposes about the use of the website, without associating them to any identifier of the users, and for the purposes of monitoring the proper operation of the website and shall be deleted immediately after processing. These data may be used for the purposes of investigating liability in the event of information crimes committed against the website.

Data voluntary provided by user

The users shall not be required to provide personal data to visit the website. However, contacts between users and Data Controller, through the optional, voluntary, and explicit sending of messages, letters or e-mails, sent to the addresses of Data Controller as specified in the website, imply the subsequent collection of the address, including e-mail address, of the sender or the relevant telephone number, required to answer the requests, as well as of any other personal data included in the relevant communications.

Such data shall be used for the exclusive purposes of carrying out the request of the users and may be disclosed to third parties only to the extent that is necessary for such purpose. Specifically, the data may be shared with the editor and the owner of the website and/or recipient of the request.

No consent is required for the processing of data for the purposes above, since the processing is necessary for the performance of an agreement to which the user is party or for the implementation of measures requested by the user prior to entering into an agreement (art. 6, letter b) of par. 1, of the Regulation) as well as, where applicable, to comply with a legal obligation (Regulation, letter c) of first paragraph of art. 6).


When users leave comments on the website, we collect the data shown in the comments form as well as the user’s IP address and the browser user agent string to facilitate spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (otherwise called a hash) can be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of comment of the user.

Media files

If the user uploads images to the website, he/she should avoid uploading images that include embedded location data (EXIF GPS). Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.

Contact or registration form

The compilation of a contact form or a registration form for a course of the IUSE or an initiative promoted by the IUSE involves the inevitable collection of personal data provided by you voluntarily, such as name, surname, ’email address or other data requested in the various forms. These data are, therefore, processed in order to answer to requests for information or to be able to process requests for registration or participation in courses or other initiatives promoted by the IUSE. and may be disclosed to third parties only if this is necessary for this purpose.

For the processing of data for these purposes, your consent is not required since the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract of which you are a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at your request (Article 6, paragraph 1, lett. b) of the Regulation), as well as, where applicable, to comply with a legal obligation (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c) of the Regulation).

Tracing tools

The use of cookie or the othe tracing tools processed by this website or by other third parties, if it’s not different specified, has the principal purpose to provide the service requested by the user, otherwise other purpose described in this policy or in the cookie policy.


Personal data will be processed only for the following purposes: answering to request of information, marketing, content visualization by external sources, contact management, complying legal obligations, statistics.


The personal data of the users shall undergo processing by the staff assigned to it by Data Controller, by such procedures, technical and electronic means, which are suitable to protect the confidentiality and security of data and by the following mode: manual, technical, paper based, electronical. The data processing consists of collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, elaboration, alteration, selection, retrieval, alignment, use, combination, block, communication, dissemination, erasure, and destruction of data, including a combination of two or more of such activities. The Data Controller implements all technical and organizational necessary measures to the protection of processed personal data.


The data shall only be stored for the time strictly required to provide the requested services to the user and shall promptly be deleted straight afterwards, without prejudice to the legal storage obligations provided for by the law. Your data shall not be disclosed.

For users who register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit or delete their personal information at any time (except their username which they cannot change). Website administrators can also see and edit this information.


In the framework of its activity and for the purposes specified above, Data Controller may use internal and external processors under its instructions. An updated list of these subkects is always available by the Data Controller.

Personal data will not be transferred either to States that are not in EU or to international organizations


At any time, you shall be entitled to exercise the rights established by the law in force, by addressing the relevant request to the office of Data Controller or to the email, including the right to:

Obtain confirmation as to the existence of your personal data and access to such data

Obtain updating, modification and/or rectification of your personal data

Obtain erasure of personal data, render personal data anonymous, block data whose processing is unlawful or set limits to the processing

Object to processing based on legitimate grounds

Obtain a copy of personal data provided by the user and request that such data shall be transferred to another controller

sending a specific request to IUSE, Lungo Dora Siena 100/A, 10153 Torino (TO) or

Cookie Policy

Use of cookies

The Website uses cookies for its functioning and to make the User’s navigation comfortable. The Website will host the minimum information collected within the devices used, whether computers or mobile devices, in small text files called “cookies” stored in the directories used by the User’s web browser.

Cookies can be distinguished into different types, in order to their features, such as: saving the preferences entered, avoiding re-entering the same information several times during the visit (username and password), analyzing the use of services and contents provided by the Website to optimize the browsing experience and the services offered.

The Website uses tracing tools managed directly by the Controller (called “first party”) and tracing tools that enable services provided by third parties (called “third party”). Unless otherwise specified in this policy, these third parties have access to their respective tracing tools.

The duration and expiration of cookies and other tracing tools may change complying with settings of the Controller or of each third party provider. Some of them expire at the end of the User’s browsing session.

Types of cookies

Technical cookies: they allow you to carry out activities strictly necessary to guarantee the functioning of the Website or the providing of the Service. They are distinguished complying with the duration of their activity between “persistent”, which remain saved even after the session is closed up to a default date, and “of session”, which are destroyed every time the browser is closed.

These cookies are necessary to visualize the Website correctly and in relation to the technical services offered, and will therefore always be used and sent, unless the User changes the settings in their browser, thus affecting the visualization of the Website pages.

Pursuant to the nature pf these cookies, the User’s consent is not required to be able to collect and store them.

Analytics cookies: they are used to collect information on the use of the Website. The Data Controller will use this information for anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve the use of the Website and to measure and improve the effectiveness of its contents relating to the experience of the User. This type of cookie collects anonymous data on the User’s activity and how it arrived on the Website. The analytics cookies are sent from the Website itself or from third-party domains. Analytics cookies, if used by the Controller with their own tools, do not require the User’s consent because they are considered as technical cookies.

Third-party service analysis cookies: they are used in order to collect information on the use of the Website by Users anonymously, such as pages visited, time spent, origins of the traffic done, geographical origin, age, gender and interests, for the purpose of marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third-party domains external to the Website.

For these cookies, the User’s consent is required.

Cookies to integrate third-party products and software functions: they integrate functions developed by third parties within the pages of the Website such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks in order to share the contents of the Website or for use third-party software services (software for generating maps or other additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and from partner websites that offer their functionality on the pages of the Website.

For these cookies, the User’s consent is required.

Profiling cookies: these cookies are necessary to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages complying with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the Website.

For these cookies, the User’s consent is required.

Third Party Websites and Services

The Website may contain links to other web sites that have their own privacy policy which may be different from that adopted by the Controller, who has no responsibility or liability in any case for these websites.

How to lend and withdraw consent to cookies

At the first access to the Website, the User finds a banner that briefly describes the cookie policy and indicates in a concise and grouped manner which types of cookies are used by the Website. At this stage, the User can freely give consent and select which cookies he / she wants to install. In the banner there is a button to close and reject cookies, by selecting which the User refuses all cookies for which his consent is required (therefore excluding technical and analytics cookies).

At the bottom of the Website (called footer) there is a section dedicated to the management of cookie preferences. By accessing this section, the User can at any time revoke the consent previously given or give consent to previously rejected cookies.

List of cookies and other tracing tools

If users leave a comment on our website, the user can choose to save the name, email address and website in cookies. They are used for the convenience of the user so that he does not have to re-enter the data when leaving another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If the user has an account and accesses this website, a temporary cookie will be set to determine if the browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is deleted when the browser is closed.

When the user logs in, several cookies will be set to save login information and screen display options. Login cookies last for two days and screen options cookies last for one year. If the user selects “Remember me”, access will persist for two weeks. If the user logs out of the account, the login cookies will be removed.

If the user modifies or publishes an article, an additional cookie will be saved in the browser. This cookie does not include personal data, but simply indicates the ID of the article just modified. It expires after 1 day.

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). The contents incorporated from other websites behave in exactly the same way as if the user had visited the other website.

These websites may collect user data, use cookies, integrate additional third-party tracking and monitor interaction with that embedded content, including tracking user interaction with the embedded content if the user has an account and logged into that website.

How to manage preferences and disable cookies or other tracing tools

The User can manage the preference settings of cookies and other tracing tools through the setting interface of the devices used, both computer and mobile (for example, it can prevent the use of cookies).

Through specific browser or device functions, the User can remove cookies and other previously saved tracing tools. Some of these tracing tools saved in local storage can be removed by clearing the browsing chronology.

For third-party cookies, the User can manage preferences and withdraw consent through the preferences management section (present in the footer), or by using the tools described in the third party’s privacy policy or by contacting third-party directly.

The User can also manage the web browser settings relating to the storage of cookies and other tracing tools. Below are the weblinks to the dedicated pages of the main providers:

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge


Safari iPhone, iPad, iPod touch,i%20dati%20dei%20siti%20web.

Regarding to mobile devices, and particularly the applications installed on them, the User can manage cookies through the settings on the same devices, such as advertising settings or settings relating to tracing in general.