Alcuni cambiamenti per velocizzare i concorsi EPSO in atto

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Changes concerning tests in ongoing competitions

EPSO has been facing serious constraints in the delivery of a number of competitions impacted by the onset of the pandemic in 2020. To improve the situation, we have reviewed all ongoing competitions with a view to determining what measures could be taken immediately. The objective is to speed up the finalisation of all ongoing competitions and to publish the reserve lists earlier than currently foreseen.

Regarding Assessment Centres phase, the number of tests will be reduced. This will be done by introducing a single-measurement method (meaning that each general competency is assessed with one test only) or eliminating certain test elements. This solution will be described in an amending notice to each concerned Notices of Competition.

These changes affect all candidates for a given competition in the same manner and do not impact their chances of success.
Candidates will find all the details regarding their tests on their EPSO account.

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