Paolo Davide Farah, Elena Cima (editors)
Climate Change, Sustainable Development and the Protection of Environment, Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, Labour Rights, Public Health, Food and Product Safety, Consumer Protection, Global Law and Sustainable Development
Book Series, Routledge Publishing (London/New-York), ISBN 978-1-4094-4848-8, September 2016, pp. 1 – 584 (330.000 words).
To purchase the book:
Cover, Table of Contents, Forewords, Introduction and Acknowledgements can be downloaded at the following website:
- List of Figures XII
- List of Tables XIII
- List of Abbreviations XIV
- Notes on Editors XIX
- Notes on Contributors XXI
Forewords in Alphabetical Order
- Foreword by Professor Gianmaria Ajani XXVI
- Foreword by H. E. the Minister Gian Luca Galletti XXIX
- Foreword by Professor Gabrielle Marceau XXX
- Foreword by H. E. the Minister Maurizio Martina XXXI
Acknowledgements XXXIII by Professor Paolo Davide Farah
- Introduction and Overview of the Book
Paolo Davide Farah - The Development of Global Justice and Sustainable Development Principles in the WTO
Multilateral Trading System through the Lens of Non-Trade Concerns: An Appraisal on China’s Progress
Paolo Davide Farah
I. Public Policy, International Trade & Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of States & Non State Actors in Economic Globalization
This Book Part I “Public Policy, International Trade, and Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of States and Non-State Actors in Economic Globalization” is participated by researchers funded by the Marie Curie IRSES of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under REA grant agreement nº 318908 Acronym of the Project: POREEN (2013–2016) entitled “Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental Industries”, within the results coordinated by gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom).
- Economic Globalization and Social Rights: the Role of the International Labor Organization and the WTO
Claudio Di Turi - Multinational Corporations and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Chinese Context: An International Law Perspective
Angelica Bonfanti - Rights Interest Litigation, Socio-Economic Rights and Chinese Labor Law Reform
Leïla Choukroune - Law, Culture, and the Politics of Chinese Outward Foreign Investment
Valentina Sara Vadi - Chinese Investment in Africa: Strengthening the Balance Sheet
Mark Klaver and Michael Trebilcock