European Project Planning

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Overall, the reformed cohesion policy will make available up to EUR 366.8 billion] to invest in Europe’s regions, cities and the real economy. It will be the EU’s principle investment tool for delivering the Europe 2020 goals: creating growth and jobs, tackling climate change and energy dependence, and reducing poverty and social exclusion. This will be helped through targeting the European Regional Development Fund at key priorities such as support for small and medium-sized enterprises where the objective is to double support from EUR 70 to 140 billion over the 7 years. There will be stronger result-orientation and a new performance reserve in all European Structural and Investment Funds that incentivises good projects. Finally, efficiency in cohesion policy, rural development and the fisheries fund will also be linked to economic governance to encourage compliance of Member States with the EU’s recommendations under the European Semester.

The skills to develop and finance EU funded projects are now essential know-how for individuals operating in public and private entities, as well as new graduates who are interested in accessing EU financing. The courses in this area aim to utilise the principles of Project Cycle Management (PCM) and provide participants with the tools to develop and manage projects according to the methods requested by the European Commission.

Master in International Translation – 2017/2018

Master in International Translation – 2017/2018

The University of Turin organized a 1-year Master offering students professional training focusing on the specific skills and knowledge they will need to work as translators for international institutions. The working languages are English, French, German, Italian,...

EU KNOW Ciclo di Incontri Formativi Propedeutici alla Simulazione

EU KNOW Ciclo di Incontri Formativi Propedeutici alla Simulazione

European Union Model Torino 2017 The European Union Model Torino 2017 will take place from Monday 27th March to Thursday 30th March in Turin, Italy. During this four-day conference, participants will act as the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and the Members...

Launch of the ELI Italian Hub

Launch of the ELI Italian Hub

The University Institute of European Studies (IUSE), as member of ELI (European Law Institute) was recognized as the host venue of the Italian ELI hub in December 2015. The Italian Hub, will be officially launched on 9 September 2016, coinciding with the ELI Annual...

Conference “The EU’s Role in Global Economic Governance”

Conference “The EU’s Role in Global Economic Governance”

Monday 21 March 2016 2pm-4pm, Room C2 - Campus Luigi Einaudi Lecturer: Jan Wouters, Director of the Leuven for Global Governance Studies, KU Leven Welcome addres: Cristina Poncibò, Director of the LL.M. in international Trade Law Chair: Lorenza Mola, University of...

LL.M. in International Trade Law (on-line) – 2015-2016 Edition

LL.M. in International Trade Law (on-line) – 2015-2016 Edition

In light of the success of the first edition, in 2015-2016 the LL.M. will be open to legal professionals willing to update and deepen their knowledge of international trade law. The programme offers a thorough, practice-oriented training, provided entirely in English,...