The Special Issue of gLAWcal Newsletter with focus on: “Digital Rights: Censorship and Access to Information” has been realized by gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) in collaboration with the University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) in Turin, Italy and the University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy which are both beneficiaries of the European Union Research Executive Agency IRSES Project “Liberalism in Between Europe And China” (LIBEAC) coordinated by Aix-Marseille University. This work has been realized in the frame of Workpackages 2 and 4, coordinated by Aix-Marseille University (CEPERC)
Full text available at the following link:

Conclusione corso EU Careers Lab febbraio 2025
Si è conclusa venerdì 21 febbraio la prima edizione del 2025 del corso online European Careers Lab: due intense settimane di preparazione ai prossimi concorsi europei organizzati da EPSO. Il corso, che ha coinvolto 18 partecipanti, è stato dedicato alle tecniche di...