Whether you’re a manager, a researcher, a lawyer or a student, you need to communicate effectively with your colleagues, your clients, your fellow students or your prospective employer. Our Professional English courses are designed to do just that! They are tailored to meet your specific needs, focusing primarily on English terminology and useful language commonly used in a working environment.

Cultural awareness has become more and more important in our personal and professional lives. That is why all our courses address the issue of cultural diversity in the working world. No English course would be complete without it! Understanding and managing cultural diversity is fundamen-tal for establishing and fostering enduring personal and professional relationships.
The courses may be offered at our venue or at company premises.
For further information, please contact us at: professionalenglish@iuse.it
Il programma, organizzato da IUSE in collaborazione con le Scuole di dottorato in Studi umanistici ed in Scienze umane e sociali, è intensivo e ha una durata di 30 ore.
Obiettivo del corso è di fornire ai dottorandi gli strumenti linguistici per proseguire le proprie ricerche accademiche in ambito internazionale.
Destinatari del programma sono dottorandi con un livello d’inglese superiore al B1 del QCER, selezionati mediante placement test.
Nel 2017 si sono tenute due edizioni
- livello intermediate – dal 6 marzo al 4 aprile
- livello upper-intermediate – dal 10 aprile al 30 maggio.
The course is intended for a small group of lawyers from law firms or corporate sectors, PhD students or paralegals who have a good command of English as a working language (minimum English level required: B1/B2)
24 hours – over 4 days (6 hrs / day)
Scheduled days
6 – 13 – 20 – 27 October, 20179 (30 am -4,30 pm)
The course is designed to develop participants’ language and communication skills in a legal context. The course focuses on active speaking, writing skills and communication strategies.
Differently from other courses, the focus is on achieving an effective legal communications style that is correct, clear, concise and concrete.
List of topics
1st part – Oral Communication skills (9hrs)
- Developing key performance strategies & tools
- Legal presentations
- Presenting your case & handling objections effectively
- Effective communication skills for meetings and negotiations
- Information exchange
- Reaching agreement
- Physical Grammar
- Making arrangements & socializing
2nd part – Written Communication Skills & Listening tasks (9 hrs)
- Achieving an effective written style
- Legal writing standards and vocabulary
- Drafting legal documents, contracts, reports, memoranda
- Applied listening tasks
3rd part – Workshop (6 hours)
- Case studies presented and discussed with guest speakers (English/American Lawyers)
- an English trainer with a consolidated experience in language teaching
- an experienced lawyer who will offer an overview on real cases and language issues
The course adopts an interactive methodology where participants are requested to actively take part in roleplay, simulation, draft reports and clauses, present opinions and advice, work in pairs/groups and analyze case studies.
October – December 2014
This programme is for all those who wish to improve their language skills in a working environ-
ment through an active and practical approach and in the shortest possible time.
Our main target audience is:
- graduates and undergraduates
- young researchers and employees in academic institutions, companies, organisations and public offices etc
- young lawyers and managers, professionals, executive officers and secretaries, working in law firms, institutions and private companies
36 hrs – 12 lessons
This skill-based course will provide the participants with an overview of the most common day-to-day activities required in the working environment.
You will learn to take an active part in role plays with the backup of grammar and vocabulary exer -cises, readings, Q&As, workshops, role plays, group work and debates.
List of topics
- Effective communications
- Writing skills
- Oral communication
- Socialising
- Meeting
- Negotiation
- Networking
May – July 2015
November – December 2016
The Course, organised by UniTo Law Department in collaboration with IUSE, is intended for Law
Department students. It is part of a wider project aimed to develop and foster the English knowl-edge, as a key competence for future academic and international activities.
40 hrs – 13 lessons
Advocacy is a political process by which an individual or group aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions. Advocacy can include many activities (me-dia campaigns, public speaking and publishing research or lobbying).
Effective communication skills are fundamental in being persuasive and determining changes.
The course will provide the participants with an overview of the most common strategies and tools required for effective communication. Each lesson will include role plays, pair work and teamwork, case studies, simulations, writing reports and summaries.
Students will work on the fundamentals of the target language, reviewing, improving their knowl-edge of the English language, particularly, Legal English.
List of topics
- Body language and active listening
- Reading and Writing skills
- Meetings
- Negotiations
- Presentations and Pleading
October – November 2017
October – December 2015
This series of workshops entitled “Case studies – analysis and reporting skills” has been designed for students from the University of Turin’s Law Department.
40 hrs – 13 lessons
Students will be involved in the practical experience of discussing their strategy with a team and
then “going live” against a panel of justices and putting forward their case. The workshops will be based on a series of business and legal case studies giving law students the opportunity to put into practice what they learn at university when representing their client. It will show them how to ana-lyse cases, create workable strategies, predict the other side’s arguments and present their findings and proposals.
List of topics
- Analyse business and legal case studies
- Setting goals, building arguments, preparing convincing case and memorandum
- Planning the negotiation, anticipating the other side’s needs and strategies
- Negotiate, compromise and re-evaluate different positions
- Find common ground with counterpart and draw up a contract profitable to both parties.
- Claimants and respondents discuss the case and strategies before the court
- Journalists will take notes to write an article on how the arguments evolve and the justices’decision.
June – July 2016
November – December 2016
December 2016 – February 2017
June – July 2016
November – December 2016
December 2016 – February 2017
The course may be customized for various sectors:
- young graduates and university students (including international master’s programs)
- academic staff (dealing with foreign students, international network)
- employees in private and public companies
- professionals and business operators
36 hrs – 12 lessons
Cultural awareness is an important part of a language syllabus, not only for students but also for training institutions and for top managers working in companies that have business overseas. It is a key competence to successful communication with your international colleagues with the aim of es-tablishing personal and professional relationships benefitting from cultural diversity.
List of topics
- Cultural sensitivities
- Different speech patterns/language accents/sentence structure
- Different roles (gender), clothing and codes of behavior
- Best practice in communication
- Non-verbal communication and body language
- Listening skills
- Meetings and team work
- Sharing information
- Problem solving skills
- Dealing with conflict – Negotiation
December 2016
All Academic, Technical and Administrative staff involved in EU project applications.
12 hours – 2 days
Participants will learn the techniques and strategies to achieve a dynamic, clear and effective English writing style in order to:
- Formulate European projects.
- Demonstrate the relevant contribution of the project to program priorities.
- Attract potential partners and public and private stakeholders to join the project.
- Be positively appraised during project assessment.
List of topics
- Assessment and key aspects in EU programs.
- EU program forms and schemes.
- English writing techniques
• Second language communications & Italian vs English
• Achieving a clear, consistent and effective style.
• Dynamic language
- Focusing on the reader and register.
- Targeting; keeping it short and simple.
- Being concrete; avoiding abstraction.
- Revise and check.
- Applied writing exercises.