West Virginia University, John D. Rockefeller IV School of Policy and Politics, Department of Public Administration (WV, USA) and gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) have set up a Summer Institute in China – Executive Education Training Program to be held in Beijing (China) with two parallel curricula.

The four week program will be held in Beijing (China) in June and July 2018.

This program is organized in partnership with Utrecht University, Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance and Utrecht Center for Water and Sustainability Law (The Netherlands), University of Calgary Law School (Canada), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), Catholic University of Milan Faculty of Law (Italy), University of Eastern Piedmont Faculty of Economics (Italy), University of Pavia, Faculty of Law (Italy) and University of Verona, Department of Law (Italy)

The Program includes TWO PARALLEL CURRICULA:

The first curriculum is called “Summer Institute on Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Protection” (SICCEP) or more precisely Law, Policy, Economics and Technology on Climate Change and Environmental issues. It addresses issues such as energy policies, environment law and sustainable development, intellectual property and technology innovation. The second curriculum is called “Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China” (IP-China).

This program is multidisciplinary and is aimed at students, young graduates and senior professionals with a background in law, political sciences, international relations, philosophy, economics, environmental sciences, engineering and any other relevant discipline that can be related to the topics of the program.

The website of the Summer Institute in China is: http://summerlawinstitute.com

The SLI 2018 brochure can be downloaded from the website: http://summerlawinstitute.com/files/SLI%202018/Brochure_Summer_Law_Institute_2018_-_31st_December_Application.pdf  

The application should be submitted online on the webpage

http://www.summerlawinstitute.com/index.php/application-form/summer-school-application or to the following email address by December 31, 2017: info@summerlawinstitute.com

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