EPSO: Nuovo Bando di Concorso Generale

Home 9 EPSO 9 EPSO: Nuovo Bando di Concorso Generale

È stato pubblicato, sul sito EPSO, un nuovo bando di concorso che riguarda le seguenti categorie:

1. Environmental and climate sciences, engineering, and economics
2. Energy science and sustainability
3. ICT and (cyber)security
4. Data analysis, research, and applications for evidence-based decision-making
5. Research and applications in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and complex systems
6. Space applications and geo-information technologies
7. Health and consumer protection
8. Transport science and sustainable mobility
9. Social, economic, and political sciences
10. Behavioural science, economics, and education

SCADENZA: The application period opens on 5 November 2024 and ends on 10 December 2024, at 12.00 (midday), Brussels time.