News and Short Articles within the LIBEAC project (July-Dec 2014)

Home 9 Partecipazione a progetti e bandi europei 9 LIBEAC – Liberalism in Between Europe And China 9 News and Short Articles within the LIBEAC project (July-Dec 2014)

Period of reference July – December 2014

Preparation of News and Short Articles on “Recent Change of Healthcare, Health Insurance and Social Security Policy in China and in the World” implemented by Ivana Gaskova, Member of the gLAWcal Team and of the University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) in Turin, Italy in the framework of the European Union Research Executive Agency IRSES Project “Liberalism in Between Europe And China” (LIBEAC), Workpackage 2 and 4, coordinated by Aix-Marseille University (CEPERC)

Published on 11.7.2014:

Published on 14.8.2014:

Published on 21.8.2014:

Published on 23.08.2014:

Published on 21.9.2014:

Published on 24.9.2014:

Published on 27.9.2014:

Published on 29.9.2014:

Published on 4.10.2014:

Published on 8.10.2014:

Published on 9.10.2014:

Published on 14.10.2014:

Published on 15.10.2014:

Published on 16.10.2014:

Published on 17.10.2014:

Published on 27.10.2014:

Published on 31.10.2014:

Published on 1.11.2014:

Published on 4.11.2014:

Published on 6.11.2014:

Published on 8.11.2014:

Published on 10.11.2014:

Published on 13.11.2014:

Published on 14.11.2014:

Published on 17.11.2014:

Published on 28.11.2014:

Published on 5.12.2014:

Published on 6.12.2014:

Published on 7.12.2014:

Published on 8.12.2014:

Published on 10.12.2014:

Published on 11.12.2014:

Published on 12.12.2014:

Published on 16.12.2014:

Published on 17.12.2014: