Nuova edizione del corso “Case studies – analysis and reporting skills” per gli studenti di Giurispudenza UNITO

Home 9 News 9 Nuova edizione del corso “Case studies – analysis and reporting skills” per gli studenti di Giurispudenza UNITO ( Page 12 )

The workshops are based on a series of business and legal case studies giving law students the opportunity to put into practice what they learn at university when representing their client. It will show them how to analyse cases, create workable strategies, predict the other side’s arguments and present their findings and proposals. Students will be organised into groups for practical discussions, expected to comment and take part in debates and negotiations. They will learn to stagger the contents of their arguments and create conditions for a successful result for their client.

Course timetable: from 3 October to 14 November 2017

Lessons will be held on Tuesday and Friday from 12:00 to 15:30

Venue: Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100, 10153 Torino

Deadline for applying: 21 September 2017

Info, details and enrollment

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